Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1

Jimin's POV

I look in the mirror and fix my collar. I have to be at the bar by 9:00 and it's already 8:40. Well, I probably shouldn't have spent two hours on my hair but, I must look nice for the customers. I'm not just saying this but, the men that come in are usually delicious. Yes I'm gay and short but, don't hate me cuz you ain't me.

"Alright Jimin, let's get this party started." I say clapping my hands and grabbing my keys. I lock the door and make my way to the bar that's around the corner. I'm in charge of taking orders and making drinks. It's not a lot if you think about it. The only people that come in are men and teenage girls. If you're wondering how old I am, I am 21 years old. Legally old enough to drink and work at a bar.

I make my way down the street and feel eyes on me. Me being the dummy that I am, thinks that it's nothing. Little did I know that something was gonna go wrong. I walk into the bar and smile.

The music is blasting and there are people everywhere grinding on eachother. I make my way threw the sea of bodies and go ever to the bar. Micheal, my best friend, works with me. He's a lot dumber than me, but you gotta love him.

"Hey taehyung." I say and he grins.

Oh boy, what did he do this time?

"Hi Jimin! Guess what this is!" He says and shows me a glass of weird looking, red liquid. I raise an eyebrow.

" What in the world did you do? Why does it look like that?" I ask, making a very disgusted face. His grin grows wider, if that's even possible.

"I mixed every type of alcohol and made one huge shot!" He says, clearly proud of his creation.

"That looks like a huge hangover." I say sarcastically and he pouts.

" Whatever Jimin! I'm just gonna be a little tipsy." He says and before I can stop him he gulps the entire drink down. I'm not dealing with a drunk Taehyung tonight. I refuse to do so. After, he finishes he drops the cup on the countertop and I roll my eyes.

"Jimin, is that you?" He asks and starts touching my face. I slap his hands away.

"You know that we're not allowed to drink this stuff! Do you wanna get us fired?" I scold and he looks at me.

"Oh, don't be such a goody two shoes. Besides, we have to live like we're not going to get another tomorrow." He says, placing his hands on my shoulders. I shoo him off and go to serve some customers. There's a man sitting at the bar who looks to be in his late thirties. Not bad looking either.

I walk over to him and cough to get his attention.

"Hi sir, would you like a drink?" I ask and he looks up at me. Then, out of the corner of my eye, two men in suits walk in and sit down at a table across the club. They're both wearing sunglasses and look straight in my direction. Who wears sunglasses indoors? The entire time Im watching them I completely forget to listen to the customer.

"Um, my apologies sir, can you repeat that?" I say and he nods, seeming to understand.

"It's fine, can I have a shot of tequila please?" He asks and I nod. I go to the back and see Taehyung trying to balance a spoon of his nose.

They don't pay me enough for this.

"Taehyung! Cut it out before someone sees you!" I whisper very loudly and take the spoon away from him. He pouts and I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Hey there mister! I was using that fork!" He says pointing a wiggling finger at me. I huff, clearly exasperated and hold up the spoon.

"This Taehyung, is a spoon and you're gonna get us in trouble if you keep this up! Just stay back here and stay still. Can you do that?" I say dragging him to a stool behind the bar. He salutes at me.

"Aye-aye captain!" He says and I roll my eyes. Now, I have to take care of everything by myself. I grab the man's shot and bring it to him. He thanks me and gulps it down.

For the rest of the evening, I'm stuck taking orders and serving people. Don't ask me how many times that I had to go and stop Taehyung from getting into things. Let's just say that I had a very long night.

By the time it's all over, it's 3 o'clock in the morning. My eyelids are very heavy but, I can still feel the eyes on me. I don't have time for this. I look around the club to see that the two men from before are still here. They're watching me and I feel so small under their intimidating looks. I gulp and run to the back. Something about them makes me terrified.

Why have they been watching me all night? What are they doing here?

Why don't I have their phone numbers yet?


I brush it off and look for Taehyung. He's passed out on the counter and I'm surprised that my boss hasn't fired us yet. I grab my cell phone and call for a taxi. Then, I put one of Taehyung's arms around my shoulders and drag him outside of the club. On my way out I looked for any sign of those two creeps.

They're gone and I shudder. Anyways, I take Tae's outside and wait for the taxi. It shouldn't take too long since it took me forever to get Taehyung to stand. It's not my fault that I'm smaller than the average 21 year old guy.

Ok maybe it is.

About five minutes later, the taxi pulls up and I place Taehyung in the back seat. I explain to the driver what happened and gave him a 45 dollar tip to get Taehyung home safely. Micheal has a roommate that will hopefully answer the door. He knows that Taehyung can get out of hand sometimes.

After all that, I'm about to pass out from exhaustion and decide to go home. Thankfully, it's not a long walk but, I'm still a little skeptic about walking alone.

Especially this late at night but, it's technically morning. It's still pitch dark outside and I'm getting goosebumps.

Then, I hear footsteps behind me and I quicken my pace. They're still coming but, faster than before. Someone is following me and I don't know what to do! I've only seen this type of thing in the movies!

I just start to run. My heart jumps up into my throat as I run into an alley but, it's a dead end.

You've got to be kidding me.

I turn around to see one of the men from before coming down the alley. He's been chasing me this entire time but, why? I back up into something hard and I look up to see the other man. He wraps and arm around my torso and I begin to struggle. This guy is way bigger than me, meaning that I haven't got a chance.

He places a cloth over my mouth and nose. My eyes go wide and I try to breathe but, inhale a rather, disturbing scent.



I wake up later strapped to a chair and I'm pretty sure I'm naked. There's a blindfold around my eyes and something tied around my mouth. I can't talk, see, or move to find out where I am.

I've been kidnapped.

I move and struggle as much as I can. I'm tied down to a chair by my wrists.

I start to cry and move my head around wildly. This is a nightmare! Why would anyone kidnap me!?! I hear someone come inside and shut the door behind them.

This can't be happening! I let the tears fall and my breathing becomes ragged. Someone comes over to me and wipes away my tears. I tense up and try to move away.

"Calm down Jimin, you're mine now." I hear a deep voice say and I whimper.

What's going to happen to me?


Sorry that it's so short but, there's more to come.