Jimin's POV

"Come on Jimin, you have to eat. You haven't eaten in a while." I hear a voice say and I mumble some incoherent words.

My butt hurts so bad! Yep, I'm definitely not walking for a while.

"I'll carry you, I know you won't wanna walk for a while." He chuckles and I keep my eyes closed.


Who knew that losing your virginity would take so much energy? I feel someone sit on the bed and pulls me up by my waist. I keep my eyes shut and fall forward onto a chest. Then, I realize that I'm not naked anymore. Weird, because I don't remember putting on clothes.

"Come on I have something to show you." He says and lifts me up. Lifeless. I really don't want to wake up.

Jeongguk kisses my eyes and I open them. His face being the first thing I see and I smile.

"You ready to see?" He asks and I nod, wanting to sleep. I mean come on, wouldn't you be tired too? I've had a long, passionate day. (Sighs dramatically)

He sets me on the floor and puts me in front of a huge mirror, most likely inside his closet.

I was not prepared for what I saw. Not at all.

There I was in the mirror, wearing a maid's outfit. With red lipstick and white socks that went up mid thigh. Not to mention that the dress was way too short. A pair of black flat shoes on my feet. I lift up the dress to see that I'm wearing a pair of black panties. My mouth drops open as I touch my reflection. Jeongguk stands behind me smirking.

"You know, it's amazing that I did all this while you were still asleep. You're a very heavy sleeper. On the bright side, you look absolutely stunning." He says and I mentally curse myself.

"Why'd you do this? I look like a....a girl." I say lifting up my dress on the sides. Jeongguk walks over to me and places a hand on my hip. Titling my head up with two fingers and stares into my eyes.

"You look beautiful anyways, as a boy or girl. Now, if you wear this then, I'm might have a surprise for you. Come on, the chef has prepared something for us." He says, while grabbing my hand and taking me out if the closet.

I wince as a sharp pain erupts through my backside.

"Oh yea, my bad." He says as I'm carried bridal style once again by two very strong arms.

Oh yea, my bad. I mock in my head.

I realize how different we both really are. He's a strong man who always gets what he wants and I'm just a small boy who is very submissive. (Who apparently looks good in a maid's outfit. -_-)

I wonder if he's in to that kind of thing. He would most definitely be a dominant, just by the look of him you could tell. Jeongguk just has that dominating aura. Or is it Aurora? (Shrugs)

We stop in front of a door and looks at me.

"Last chance, are you ok with this? I'm not going to force you." He says giving me a sly smile. My cheeks flush red.

Now that I think about it, I don't really have a problem with it. Yea, it's for a girl but, does it matter? Somehow it feels....right. I can't explain it. It feels like I belong here, with Luke and wearing this dress makes me feel special.

I nod and he kisses my forehead. On that note, we make our way out of the bedroom.

I've never seen the rest of his house before. I'm always unconscious. He walks down a flight of stairs and I just sit there pouting.

"You might wanna stick that lip back in before I decide to do something with it." He whispers and I quickly suck it back in, he laughs.

That mother-

"Ah, Good Evening Sir, your food is prepared and waiting for you in the dining room." A man says.

"Thank you Jin. You may take the rest of the day off. Tell the others as well." Jeongguk says.

"Thank you, sir." The man named Jin says and he leaves.

No don't go! He might decide to do it in the kitchen table this time! I yell internally.

"Now Jimin, are you ready to eat?" Jeongguk says while placing me in a seat. I look up and stare into his eyes. They show so much emotion but, I can't put my finger on it.

Jeongguk sits across of me and after a moment of silence, he speaks.

"Jimin, how do like the idea of being my submissive?" Jeongguk asks. My face grows hot but, the thought of it turns me on.

Sudden much?

"I like the idea of it and would love to be your submissive..." I say bravely, hoping that he'll like my answer.

"You do know that punishments will come more frequently and there will be rules right?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes Daddy...." I say.

"Good Boy. Starting as of now, you're mine and only mine. Now the rules are simple, you obey my every command. You either call me Sir or Daddy and finally, you must ask permission before you do anything ok?" He explains and I make sure to get every detail. These rules don't seem to hard to follow. I basically do those things. Besides, I don't want to get punished.

"Ok Daddy..."

"Good now let's eat, you must be famished." He says as he begins to take the tops off of all the trays. There's all types of food spread out, some that I don't even recognize.

"The chef has prepared Spaghetti I believe. Now, are you going to be a good boy for Daddy and eat?" He says lifting the top off another tray to reveal a bowl of spaghetti with parsley added on top. My mom used to do the same thing. She would say presentation is key.

I nod my head and almost pick up the fork but, remember the rules I was previously given.

"May I eat, sir?" I ask while putting my hands back in my lap.

"Good Boy, you learn so quickly. Yes, you may eat. If you keep up this behavior you'll get a reward." Jeongguk says and sits back in his chair. I smile and dig in. It's so delicious that I almost moan from it. Almost.

"After this, I have something to show you then, we'll go to bed. It's getting quite late." Jeongguk says and I nod, my mouth still full of food.

Then out of no where a man in a suit comes running in, panting for air.

"Jeongguk....we have some information on those fingerprints you asked for." He says while standing in the doorway. Luke raises an eyebrow.

"And this is so important that you had to interrupt our dinner?" Jeongguk growls and I wince. Oh boy, this shouldn't be pretty.

"Yes, we found some others apart from Namjoon'." the man says.

"Well, whose did you find?" Jeongguk says, immediately jumping up from his seat. I stay seated and scrunch back in my seat. This doesn't seem like something I should interfere with.

Wait, I'm Jimin. I interfere with everything!

"Well....uhm...." He hesitates and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Say it!" Jeongguk yells while slamming his hand down on the table. I jump and cover my face with my hands.

The other man sighs.

"We think that yoongi is an accomplice for Namjoon."

Well this should be interesting....


Ok so a lot happened in this chapter.

Jimin is Jeongguk's submissive now and yoongi helped Namjoon with his dirty work. Supposedly....

I told you there would be a twist!!!
