Joven nodded his head towards Travis to acknowledge the message when Jillyanna wasn't looking at him. He pocketed his phone and instructed everyone to prepare for the next scene.

"So what would be my role in this?" Travis asked while Jillyanna was having some touch up with the make up artist.

Jillyanna had her eyes closed to prevent the powder in getting into her eyes but she still responded to him. "Just a regular date. No need for anything fancy or anything special."

"So, you are an actress?" Travis asked again since he didn't really know what's her work. Jillyanna once told him that she didn't want him to know what her work is.

"I am not an actress. I am just doing something for some personal use and to help Joven earn money." Jillyanna stated which was half true and half lie.

Joven who heard her words just smiled faintly. If Travis didn't want her to know who he was, it was the same for Jillyanna. In any case, she had been predicting that Travis would get tired of her sooner or later.

When everything was set, they resumed filming. This time, they started where they left off. Joven kept the last video where Travis popped out of nowhere giving a feeling of surprise.

He invited her for a ferris wheel ride where a romantic scene will be taken once they reached the peak of its cycle.

A cameraman came along with them to film. Joven was watching from the ground with his monitor. He was giving them instructions through their earpiece to get the right scene that he wanted.

"Travis, you have to lean closer at her. Look directly into her eyes like you're looking at the most precious woman in your life. Hold the side of her face with your hand and slowly, moved slowly towards her. Tilt your head a little so I can get an angle where it looked like you kissed her. That's it!" His nonstop chatter made Travis feel a little nervous.

He followed what was told and looked directly into Jillyanna's eyes. Since it was a romantic scene, Jillyanna cooperated and looked at him as well. Her heart in her eyes and there was so much love in her. Travis was startled to see such naked emotions from her.

When the best scene was taken, they heard Joven cutting the film and was waiting for them to get down.

Jillyanna moved away from him as soon as she could and looked at the scenery around her. Travis was disappointed to see her movement. He actually thought she had fallen for him, but it was obviously an act for the film.

"It's nice here, isn't it?" Jillyanna asked to no one in particular but Travis still answered her.

"It is. When I was young, I would always ask my mother to come with me and play in an amusement park but it only happened a few times. She was always busy with work, almost no time for me. Why did you guys decided to film here?"

"I want to come here. I haven't been to amusement park, you know. This is my first time." Jillyanna stated before turning to face him with a smile. "I'm glad you like this kind of place."

"If you want to come here again, you can just tell me. I'll come with you." Travis responded before reaching out his hand to gently pat her head.

"Thanks." she retorted but it was just a normal response with a normal facial expression. Travis was actually expecting that she would show some loving expression or something sweet or something special, but there was nothing at all.

"Don't forget my payment. You must have dinner with me." he reminded her just in case she'd forget due to her work.

"I know. We'll have dinner after this. Where do you want to eat?" Jillyanna asked him excitedly. Even if she's the one treating him, she was still looking forward to the kind of foods she'll get to eat for dinner. She didn't know why but she's been craving so much food lately.

"I want some Chinese food." Travis responded to her. They talked about food for dinner while waiting for their turn to come down.

'Stop feeding me dog food! You can act lovey dovey when you're home! Don't make me a third wheel!' The cameraman was expressionless at the side but internally he wanted to dig a hole and hide himself. It was a torture to stay with sweet couple.

When they got down, Joven was so happy with the result and praised them. However, when he saw his cameraman, he was confused and surprised.

"Hey, why the long face?" Joven asked the cameraman who got off the cable and walked to them.

"I was eating dog food the whole time I was with them! It was so frustrating for a single to be with sweet couple." he lamented towards Joven who just laughed at him. Joven was bent from laughing and he could only pat his cameraman on the shoulder.

"Good luck to you because we will be working with them until the film is over. Anyway, it's just for today." Joven stated before going back to see his monitor.

Jillyanna and Travis was resting for a bit on a bench under the flame tree when a loud guy approached them.

"Travis! It's you! Who is she?" Diego Sandoval, Travis' best friend came over to talk to them.

"She's Jillyanna, my future wife." Travis introduced her to his friend which made Jillyanna pinched the space between her brows.

"You don't have to introduce me that way." Jillyanna retorted but Travis didn't plan to give her a way out.

"Well, Diego, this is Jillyanna. I am pursuing her and after two months we'll see if it's okay to get married." Travis stated once again which made Jillyanna glared at him.

Diego watched their interaction and he couldn't help but laugh. It was the first time for him to see Travis getting interested with opposite sex and he was more interested to know how it will turn out.