Jillyanna was sleeping peacefully inside the cabin without knowing the commotion she caused to the outside world.

Since she became pregnant she had been craving a lot of sleep which she was grateful for having a cabin in this forest. She was able to relax herself now that the pervert man is dead.

It hasn't been three hours since she fell asleep but she heard faint footsteps running around the cabin.

She didn't open her eyes but she remained vigilant if in case someone's coming to hurt her and her baby again.


It was the sound of her door being opened. She opened her eyes and looked at the person walking towards her.

"It's you. Are we leaving? Which country are you planning to go?" Jillyanna asked Enzo as she sat on her bed.

"We are not leaving. You heard them, right?" Enzo stated before sitting on the edge of her bed. He had a smile on his face, something that made Jillyanna smile as well.