"Then, I will visit him today. I have so many questions for him, too. I can do the interrogation for you." Jillyanna stated with a grin spreading across her face. Cielo smiled at her as well for being so energetic when it comes to cases.

Even after what happened to her during her undercover assignment, the light in her eyes for justice never fade.

"Alright. Let's go over after lunch. I booked a restaurant already for us. Would you like to bring Travis with you?" Lucian responded with slight smirk on his lips. Most likely, she would refuse. 'Let's see how will this turn out.' he thought.

"Let me talk to him for a sec." Even if she hates staying with him, she didn't want to see that worried look on his face. It made her feel guilty.

They all walked out of her room. Jillyanna went to the study while Lucian and Cielo walked downstairs and waited for her at the living room.