Jillyanna arrived in her own house together with Travis. She immediately got out of the car and walked ahead of him.

Travis was following behind her with curiosity in his gaze. When he first arrived at this place, when he was looking for her, he didn't observe the kind of environment she was in. Now that he looked around closely, he found it so familiar.

Jillyanna turned around and found him staring at the swing under the mango tree. It was her swing when she was still a child. It was built by her father so she never removed it.

"What are you looking at?" she asked the obvious just to bring him back to the present.

"Your house looks familiar to me. Has this been renovated?" Travis walked to her side while asking her.

"Nope." she simply answered him before opening the door in the main entrance. "I don't want this to be renovated. It looks old but it's sturdy and can last for the next five generations."