Song used: A THOUSAND YEARS - Christina Perri

When the both of them went down for lunch, they saw Thomas and Savannah who came from Hacienda de Amore. No one spoke of what happened. No one brought up the past events to avoid spoiling their time together.

Jillyanna was taken care of Travis all the time to make sure that she only ate what was allowed. Even though she's a glutton and wanted so much, she obediently ate what was given to her.

The talked about her singing career and about her baby which made her really happy. It showed that they really cared about her. Thomas even scolded Travis multiple times but he would turn all smiled when he looked to his future daughter-in-law.

"By the way, Jillyanna was supposed to release a music video today, right?" Valkyrie asked out of nowhere since it just popped out of his mind. They had been so worried and busy the past days that he totally forgot about it.