Jillyanna felt that something was bothering him so she hugged his waist. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked, looking into his clear and steady eyes.

Travis sighed, hugged her back and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "Rely on me please? Don't rely on someone else. I'm feeling useless right now."

"Hey! You're not useless. I just didn't tell you about it." Jillyanna tried comforting him.

"It's because I am not reliable so you didn't tell me."

She felt even more helpless with him this time. She never thought he was unreliable.

"I will rely on you from now on." This was the only words she could say. Travis hugged her for a while before leaving the apartment building.

"Let me call Lucian and ask if he's still there." Jillyanna mentioned and looked for her phone which she realized, it was left at home.

She had been used to using his phone that she's forgot her own phone now. Travis just chuckled faintly and gave her his phone.