His tongue snaked into her mouth, sweeping through her palates and gums. It was a bit itchy and warm. She didn't want to respond to him at all or else she'd embarrass herself. It was a great thing she was sitting on a chair or she would've fallen already.

Travis stopped what he was doing and look at her. She was gasping for breath from that intense kiss. "You're tired with just that? You didn't even respond to my kisses. I was like kissing a piece of wood."

Jillyanna kicked his leg and rolled her eyes. "Who the hell told you to kiss me? FYI, it's up to me to respond or not. My brain is still intact so I wouldn't do such embarrassing act."

"Really?" Travis stole a peck on his lips again. "Sweet." He even licked his lips in front of her.

"You damn old pervert! Get away from me." She kicked him again but Travis just took hold of her leg.

"I was the one who kissed you so why would you be embarrassed?"