Travis finished the food and cleaned the table where they ate. Jillyanna was so full and she wanted to kick him again for feeding him so much.

"I won't bring you food next time." She murmured just enough for him to hear.

Travis laughed again upon hearing her. Since he started seeing her from that one night affair, he lost count of the times that he laugh because of her. She's giving him life and he treasured it so much. He never knew what love would be like but her presence alone is love itself.

"I love you." He responded to her which caught Jillyanna off-guard. She started blushing again and didn't dare meet his eyes.

"You said it earlier." she fiddled with her fingers while trying to calm her heart. "You don't have to say it again."

"I can say it again and again. I love you Jill."

"Ahh! Stop it." she covered her ears from hearing him. Her heart had been beating like crazy that her chest hurts. She needed to calm down. It's a must.