Valkyrie's heart faltered in its beat. He knew how important to Jillyanna the young girl was. They couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Jenny!" He put his hands around his mouth and called out her name. At the same time he was trying to open the door of her house forcefully.

'Bang!' he kicked the door when he couldn't open it.

"What happened here?!" A shocked voice of a woman coming from the outside stopped Valkyrie. He went back on his track and found her standing in front of her house. "Sir Valkyrie? What are you doing in my house?"

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked anxiously or he'd be dead in the hands of Jillyanna.

Jenny was confused but she still nodded her head. "I heard someone calling my name from here so I came back. I went to grandpa Shan's house to cook the chicken."