"Heh! I won't compromise this time." Travis told her and went out first. Jillyanna was following behind him with her head hung low. She regretted teasing him.

"Are you alright?" The doctor asked her.

"Yes doc. I'm doing fine." she smiled faintly and didn't dare look at Travis. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"No worries Jillyanna. I have written down the exercises that you can do and the schedule for your next check up." The doctor handed her and envelope which contained some notes and picture of her ultrasound.

The whole check up process took them almost an hour but Jillyanna didn't feel tired at all. Travis and her walked out of the room and just so happen that they bump on Eliezer.

"Hi Eli!" Jillyanna greeted him cheerfully, oblivious to what the man feels inside.

Eliezer was surprised to see her but when he realized which clinic she was coming out from, his heart turned cold.