Travis didn't know why she was in a hurry to go out but since she promised that she will do anything he wants later, he compromised.

'Why shouldn't I compromise? That's actually a great bargain.' He thought to himself and laughed cheerfully while turning on his laptop to work.

Hawk on the other hand was very obedient and didn't peek on the bags. He watched the monitor attentively and jot down notes when he saw something worth taking.

He was also looking for a tourist spot that they can go after this mission. Travis was always true to his word and he never break his promise to them and their vacation was always granted when it was him who asked for it.

Though they don't get missions everyday, when they actually receive one, it would also be very difficult and dangerous.

Both men were happily doing their own work since the women were busy outside. If it wasn't for Valkyrie, they wouldn't even know what was happening at the backyard.