Travis chuckled and licked her earlobe. "Whose fault is that?"

"You started all these." Jillyanna murmured, feeling aggrieved with his accusation.

"Alright. It's my fault. Do you like it?" Travis asked her playfully. Seeing her shy and blushing, he had the urged to tease her again.

Jillyanna covered his eyes so that he couldn't see her. "Don't ask me that! You beast!"

Travis removed her hand and kissed the back of it. He kissed the inner side of her wrist and her palm. "I want to do these things with you. Only you and no one else."

Jillyanna didn't know how to retort his statement. What else can she say? She kissed Travis on his forehead like he usually does for her which stunned him.

"Hey! I feel it grow bigger!" Jillyanna exclaimed at him. She didn't do anything and it grow in size.