After a few minutes of waiting, Jillyanna was called to the interrogation room. Supposedly, she will be interrogated the next day but Travis wanted her to take a rest without anyone disturbing her.

"Are you okay?" the female officer tasked to do the questioning asked her. "You really attract trouble." she joked making Jillyanna shrug her shoulders.

"I don't like this either. I just wanted to live my life peacefully but troubles always find me."

"It'a good that you're fine or else, Lucian will wreck havoc in this station. He did that when you were kidnapped last time."

"He's very protective of me since I don't have a family. Cielo and Lucian acted more of a parents to me when I have none."

"That I can agree."

The officer opened her laptop and recording device. Another officer sat at the corner to watch over them.

"Shall we start? I don't want you to stay up late specially that you have a baby." the officer stated.