Jillyanna kissed his face and tied the robe around her waist. "Carry me back to the bed room." She demanded which pulled Travis back to Earth after getting stunned from her kiss.

He put one of his hands behind her knees and the other was on her back to support her spine. "You really know how when to surprise me." He commented while bringing her back to their bedroom.

"I am just expressing my gratitude." Jillyanna responded and smiled sweetly at him.

He put her down on the bed and looked for a change of clothes. He checked her clothes one after another and found her silk shirt and shorts for sleeping. "We are not going anywhere today so, just wear this at home. It would be comfortable on your skin."

"Okay. I've got no problem with that." She took the clothes from him. "Can you get the aroma oils for me to check?"

"I'll dress you up first. It would be painful if you bend yourself." Travis stated and asked her to hand the clothes back to him.