Soon, it was Saturday. Jillyanna ended up resting for three days due to Travis' insistence. He would bath her, feed her, change her clothes, tie her hair, carry her to wherever she wanted to go around the house.

Every afternoon, he would give her a massage to relieve her from the pain on her back, thighs and waist. He was very attentive to every little detail of her needs.

Just like this day, he was bathing her again like a young child who needs attentive care.

"I told you I'm fine already. Why are you such a worrywart?" Jillyanna poked his shoulders while speaking under the shower head.

"Nope you are not. When you tried standing up earlier, you wobbled." Travis retorted to her which made her roll her eyes in ridicule.

"Seriously? I wobbled because my legs were numb from not doing anything. Everyone else would feel the same." She told him, trying to sound reasonable and helpless at the same time.