"What the fuck are you doing?!" Brown yelled at him with seething anger. He looked so wrong and his lashes were wet with tears that he was trying to hold back since earlier.

Valkyrie made sure that he won't get a punch by pinning Brown's arms with his above his head. He straddled him on his waist to prevent getting a kick from him. Despite Brown's feminine appearance, he was really strong and skillful.

"I am sealing our promise with a kiss." Valkyrie stated with a cheerful smiled which angered Brown even more.

"I didn't promise you anything! You idiotic bastard, don't put words in my mouth." he thrashed beneath him but Valkyrie wasn't letting go of him.

"You agreed with my plan."

"I didn't agree to it. I told you to just do whatever you want!"

"That's the same thing as giving me permission." Valkyrie retorted like he was right all along.