Jillyanna went back to his room and didn't say anything to anyone. She just approached his sleeping face and felt it with the back of her hands.

"Warm. This feeling, as long as this exist I won't let you go." Her tears fell on his bed again. "Travis, I won't give up on you so don't give up on us, okay? I will wait no matter how long it will take. I don't care how much money we will spend as long as I get to see you again." she sat on the chair beside him and hugged his waist lightly. "You promised you'll stay with me. You said you won't break it."

Watching her cry in front of Travis made Savannah cry, too. She had witnessed their ups and downs and she knew how long Travis was looking for her. She knew how much effort Jillyanna exerted just to start trusting him and to open up her heart again.

'God, how can you be so cruel?' Savannah questioned mentally while wiping her tears. She went out of the room to find Hawk and gave Jillyanna some space, too.