"I don't need this." she deleted the recording from her phone when she got out from the building. Jackie was still sitting on the same broken chair while tossing a stone up and down on her hand.

"Are we going through with the plan?" Jackie asked Jillyanna and tossed the stone away from her.

"Hn. I'll leave it to you. Once you're done, come and find me at the hospital." Jillyanna answered. "You don't have to kill him. I don't want you to stain your hands with his blood."

"Alright. No killing then." Jackie mumbled before going back inside the old building. Jillyanna started walking back to the dark alley so that she can go back to her apartment and wash herself before going back to the hospital.

Half an hour after she left, a commotion erupted in the same dark alley that she passed by.

"Help! Help me! Help me!" a shout from a girl made the wandering people check what was going on. They found a man hovering over a girl who was thrashing underneath him.