Early morning of the next day, as she prepared herself for another battle at the company, Jillyanna received a phone call from Lucian. She already knew what it would be about but she still picked it up.

"Bro?" she inquired while closing the buttons of her blouse in side the bathroom.

Lucian didn't take his time and told her the news immediately. "We caught him last night. It so happened that he caused a ruckus and the townsfolk helped us capture him."

"That's good." Jillyanna stated, nonchalant and bored. She sounded like it wasn't a good news to her at all which made Lucian's doubt increase.

"Yanna, he seemed out of himself but he confessed to his crimes. I just want to know though, did you involve yourself in capturing him?" Lucian asked her directly knowing that Jillyanna would still hear his doubts in his voice.