Savannah managed the order of the applicants while Shein will be checking their background to make sure that no spies will enter the company.

Jillyanna and three other site directors together with the Head of HR Department will be the one to conduct the interview.

When the clock hits 8 o'clock in the morning, the job interview commence. There were more than a hundreds of applicants but they all work efficiently.

Each group of applicants will be composed of three and will get inside together. They will give Shein a copy of their resume or profile to check their qualification before Jillyanna and her group will conduct the interview.

"Ms. Ferraren, I can see that you are still working for J Group. So, why are you here?" Shein asked one of the women who came in for the first batch of interview.

He wasn't judging her but there was no warmth in his voice when he asked the question. His eyes were penetrating as if he was seeing her very soul.