The Police Regional Director was still massaging his forehead from the troubles his subordinates made when he received a request for search and arrest warrant.

At first he was confused but when he read the content, all the colors of his face were drained and he aged a couple more years in an instant from the stress.

He couldn't even remember how those scumbags became leaders. He didn't know in which aspect they made a mistake to let those monsters lead several departments. All he could do was to thank god for keeping the other officers pure and dedicated to their work.

Without any hesitation, the regional director approved the request for search and arrest warrant.

Lucian and the other officers were even stupefied when the received the file because it was sent directly from the regional director's e-mail.

"Did you send it to him?" The chief asked with a horrified expression. His family wasn't safe yet and Lucian already took action.