"Stop sulking over it. Just make sure to explain everything once he is fully recovered." Savannah spoke softly to her. She knew it could cause a misunderstanding between the couple and she was worried that Travis won't want to wake up again. But she didn't say it to Jillyanna. She didn't want burden her up with another painful thought.

At the same time, she also believed that Travis won't judge his wife without knowing the truth. Only their faith and love for each other could help them overcome this tricky situation.

"He was really awake?" Hawk asked Savannah to assure himself. "It wasn't my imagination?"

"He did wake up. Anyway, Auntie Fei will be bringing her food for dinner again so I'll buy food for us."

"Okay. Be extra careful."

"Yes sir!"

Savannah just reached the door when Jillyanna called to her. "Can you buy me lollipops or any sweet candies?"

"Sure. Any preferred flavors?" Savannah asked her.
