While waiting for the wedding, Anton was busy looking into Elizabeth's past. He wanted to know why she didn't remember and why she never visited him again after the last time she was dragged home.

During investigation it was at this point that he met Atty. Lewis. He was being targeted by some goons because of a case that he won against their leader. Anton found him lying on a pool of blood and he even thought that he was already dead.

He brought him to the hospital as soon as he can. Fortunately, he wasn't hit in any vital organs so he was able to keep his life.

Because of his help Atty. Lewis repaid his kindness by becoming his personal lawyer as well as his private investigator. He continued the investigation for Anton and that's how he met Dr. Sweden. It was also doctor Sweden who dug up information about Elizabeth since he didn't know he would become her mentor in the later years.