Jillyanna and Winter were ushered to their rooms personally by their teacher. She walked right beside them like she wasn't blind at all. In fact, she knew every nook and cranny like she knew the back of her hands. In her territory, nothing can escape her senses.

"Are you really going to fight me for it?" their teacher asked Jillyanna before she let them inside their room. She stood at the door with her eyes closed, feeling the surroundings around her.

"I need it and I know how to fight." Jillyanna answered without any slight hesitation. "I'll see you during the night practice."

"Okay." Their teacher left without any further question.

They weren't the type of people who would catch up with their acquaintances or friends. If you meet them for a purpose, you don't have to play games or pretend. State your purpose and do your best to fulfill it.