"Am I such a crybaby in your dreams? I thought I'm a strong woman who's capable and smart." Jillyanna murmured while trying to get off from his embrace. She didn't want to cause his discomfort.

"Don't move. Just stay still. I've been deprived of your warmth for a month so, let me do this."

He hugged her even tighter. If he could put her inside his pocket or stick her on his body, he would've done it a long time ago.

Savannah brought a chair to Jillyanna so that she could sit beside him.

"How about we all take our dinner? My treat." Thomas offered which everybody agreed. In fact, they only wanted to leave the two of them alone.

One by one as they left, the crowded room once again returned to a quiet place. Only her hiccups and light sob can be heard.

"I'm sorry for the trouble that Shein caused you." Jillyanna opened up knowing that he would be asking her about the issue few days ago.