Jillyanna asked Shein for help regarding Gabriel's whereabout but even with his skills, he couldn't find anything useful, too.

"I'm really sorry sis. I can't get anything from him. There must be a jamming device from the place and I don't think Gabriel has the same accessories as you." Shein spoke to Jillyanna while showing his laptop.

When they got home from their trip around the city, Jillyanna called Shein immediately for help. However, it was still fruitless.

"Let's just hope and pray that he's really fine." Jillyanna stated with a deep sigh. She knew Travis was worried for his cousin and for his friend.

"Why did she have to realize it when it's too late?" Jillyanna whispered to herself thinking about Winter.

Little did they know, in the darkest night, Gabriel was still fighting for his life.