"Isn't it fun?" Travis teased her with this question. It was obvious that he was having fun with their actions. He pulled her blouse up to expose her chest. With his other hand teasing her nipple, he sucked on the other, licking and leaving a small mark on the side.

"How the hell did we even end up like this?" Jillyanna complained because she can't seem to remember any statement or actions that could lead them into such pleasurable event.

"No particular reason why. We're doing it because we are husband and wife." Travis shamelessly used this excuse to her.

Jillyanna covered her mouth to avoid her voice from coming out. Feeling his kisses traveling down to his stomach, Jillyanna could feel something trickling down her thighs.

Travis didn't stop his kisses from going lower to the place where he can connect with her. Jillyanna squirmed under him with her eyes close.