Jillyanna went to have a her heart condition checked first. It had been taken into consideration that every month, before she went to have a check up for her baby, she'd have to get her heart checked first.

Jillyanna didn't mind tedious process and waiting time as long as Travis was beside her.

"Your baby bump is growing. Have you asked what your baby's gender is?" Dr. Alison, her heart doctor, asked Jillyanna while checking on her ECG.

"I'll have an ultrasound later after this." Jillyanna answered happily.

"You are so young yet I can see how much you wanted to have this baby. Women at your age, most of them looked after their career first before family." Dr. Alison commented while getting the ECH result read.

"We have our own reasons." Jillyanna responded since she didn't want to judge anyone with their decision.