Jillyanna and everyone else went home after visiting Jackie and found that she was fine. Aside from that, they wanted to give them space and let them develop their feelings for each other. It wasn't that difficult to know that something was brewing between them, okay?

However, instead of going home to Jillyanna's house, they went to the hacienda where a private plane was situated at the back of the barn house.

"Hi Dad." Jillyanna greeted with Travis following behind her.

"Hello sweetheart. I'm glad you found time to visit this old man again." Thomas responded, giving her a light hug before turning to his son. "How have you been? I heard that you were absent from work this past few days."

Jillyanna blushed from his question knowing full-well why they were absent. Travis just shrugged his shoulders and sigh. "Jillyanna wasn't feeling well so I had to take care of her."