Back at home, Jillyanna was pacifying Travis to cool down from his anger and worry. He did calm down, but he was burning from the way his wife pacify him.

"Jill, ahh..c-can I ..hmm..take off ..hmm..aahh..the b-blindfold?" Travis asked his wife in his hoarse and struggling voice.

"Nope you can't." Jillyanna stated while licking him up and down. Whenever, she did this kind of service to his husband, she'd blindfold Travis to avoid showing her embarrassment.

" are...hmm..torturing me." His gruff voice and moans made Jillyanna smile. She liked knowing that she can get this reaction from him.

She kissed the tip of his thick shaft before shoving it inside her mouth without hesitations. She could feel him throbbing and growing inside her mouth and she was happy that she can at least do this for him.

When Travis couldn't hold on anymore, he took off the blindfold from his eyes and watched her bobbing her head up and down.