Calhoun was no doubt worried about his soldier's condition. The mission in Pantar was the third that he lost his men and more than handful at that.

Not only that, a man considered as family, Gabriel Colton, lost his leg. Winter Avery lost her sense of hearing. This was just too much for him.

When he agreed to Gabriel in faking his death, he didn't really know to what extent his problem was but, looking at him right now made him feel so guilty in sending him to Pantar.

"For Gabriel's part, we can have a prosthetic leg replace for the missing limb if you want. Of course, we no longer ask you to serve in the field but you can still work in the base to be a strategist and support the team." Dr. Anderson spoke while examining his wound. "But the last decision will be coming from Calhoun and you. That is just my opinion on this matter."