After taking their lunch, Travis changed into a casual clothes to continue working.

"I'll be in the study room to do some work. If you need anything, just call me, okay?" he kissed the top of her head while caressing her hair.

"Okay. I'll come and find you if I get bored, too." she answered softly while scrolling through the list of movie in her laptop.

Travis left her on her own and went to the study room. When he left, Jillyanna closed the window of the movies and opened the information that Shein sent her.

Lyla Terazas a business major student who stopped going to school after failing one of the subjects.

Instead of going back home, she left city B and went to city A. She worked as a waitress in one of the famous club and got known by some big wigs.

Aside from servicing them with drinks, she also serviced them with her body after drinking. She earned a lot and bought her own apartment. But she didn't stop doing her 'job'.