Later that night, when they had their dinner, Jillyanna informed everyone that they'd be going home to take a rest.

The news saddened Thomas because he wouldn't hear the laughters of his son and daughter-in-law for the time being. At the same time, he fully understood why she had to go back home so he didn't stop them from leaving.

Since they'd be visiting him in the hacienda from time to time, Jillyanna and Travis didn't pack their clothes back. They just left it in the wardrobe for future use.

Early in the morning, just when the sun greeted them, silently taking in the morning dew, Jillyanna woke up first and found herself lying on Travis' arms once again.

She just watched him silently, hugging him close and leaned her head on his chest. The freaking pain in her chest made her frown and she silently endure it while taking a deep breath to calm herself.