Helpless with her teasing, Travis just smiled with a sigh and went to the bathroom to take care of himself.

When he came out, he was wearing a new set of clothes with his dirty clothings on his hand. He put the dirty clothes inside the laundry bag before walking towards his wife.

"Did you have fun?" Travis asked, his fiery gaze pinning her down but Jillyanna didn't avoid him at all.

She raised her chin and looked at her with a cheeky grin. She silently nodded her head and beamed happily at him.

"Don't be cheeky on me. I have to work so, be a good wife and behave. If you keep teasing me, I might not be able to control myself and pound on you."

"I'll behave now. Go ahead and work." Jillyanna pushed his chest a little and she gestured her hand towards the desk not far from her bed.

Travis gently pat her head and kissed her nose before going back to work. Jillyanna just sat on her bed and contentedly drew on her new sketchpad.