A policewoman came inside with a change of clothes that they borrowed from the neighboring house.

The owner of the house didn't know what was going on, since he was quite old and didn't have any idea with what these three men were doing inside that house that they were raiding.

The woman changed into the clothes that her handed to her with lifeless gaze. The policewoman had to roll the sleeves a little for her hands to come out since they were large clothes compared to her petite body.

She really looked pitiful.

Lucian was so angry with what he saw. Seeing the bruised woman, he remembered Jillyanna beaten black and blue few years ago. He remembered how close she was to her death, hanging on top of the building with many vehicles and crowd passing right below her dangling feet. It was a horrible sight. He almost broke up with Cielo because of that.

The policewoman escorted the victim to a different police car and gave her food and drinks.