Back at the hospital, half an hour after Travis and his company left, the three ladies stayed inside the hospital room.

There were four other security men outside Jillyanna's room, so they didn't worry that much but Jillyanna was more than prepared than anyone else.

She sat on the swivel chair behind the work desk that Travis usually use. She took out all the pens available from the drawer. There were scissors and other materials too.

Savannah and Riley didn't know what she was trying to do by placing all of them on top of the table but, they didn't say anything either.

Riley was talking to Shein who was currently on his way to the hospital with Jackie. They wanted to bring in more people to make sure that nothing will happen to Jillyanna.

Sadly, before Shein and Jackie could arrive, a group of men came inside. They were all wearing a doctor's lab gown with stethoscope as their sole accessories.