"Not really. You can hand it back to me after two days. You talk to Jillyanna about this."

"But, I can already bring the child back with us, right?"

"Yes. You can take her with you."

Travis and Riley looked towards the little girl who was sitting quietly on the couch. Riley stood up from her seat and approached her. "Hi sweetie. You are Jade, right?" Jade stared right back into her eyes and nodded her head. "My name is Riley. Come here." She reached out her hand and held on to the little girls cute and small hand. "You are coming with us to your new home."

"Where is the big sister yesterday? She told me that she is coming today.'' Jade made inquiry since she didn't find Jillyanna.

"She is waiting for you outside." Riley answered the little girl. "I'll take you to her."