Riley and Sky was showing Jade her room and her other things. They helped her arrange her small personal belongings from the orphanage while they're at it.

"Am I really staying in this room? No one will come to share this room with me?" Jade asked to make sure that she wasn't overstepping her boundaries. She was a very cautious child.

"This is your room. We all have our own room here. Will you be okay? Are you afraid if you are alone?" Riley asked because she was also afraid on the first night that Jillyanna had them slept in separate rooms. In the end, she had to slipped to Jackie's room sometimes in the middle of the night. Sometimes, she would sneak inside Shein's room and sleep with him. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

"Can't I stay with my mother?" Jade asked since Jillyanna was the one who adopted her.