Since Jillyanna was given the permission to go home, Travis also got the time to go back to the company to hold meeting with the directors, check anything that needed his opinion and close every possible deals before Christmas.

He was confident with Jillyanna's safety at home. She's got more people to rely on compared to the time that she was inside the hospital.

She continued to live her life and enjoy every moment that she got to spend with the people she loves. She taught Jade privately about different things. She played with her daughter using her old stuff toys and other stuff. Her things finally found their purpose as to why they were kept for a long time.

"Mommy, will Daddy come back late again today?" Jade asked while coloring the drawing that she made. It was a sketch of their house which Jade etched in her memory. Even though it was snowing outside, Jade drew the environment with different kinds of plants of different colors and sizes.