For some reason, Jade felt unease. She was restless and she was breathing really hard. Sky was starting to worry for her. At such a young age, she witnessed her biological mother died during labor. Now, she saw the same fate was happening to Jillyanna as well.

"I'm a bad luck. I am a bad luck. I am a bad luck. Anyone who wanted to become my mother will end up in a bad state. I am a bad luck." She started crying once again and she gripped her head tightly.

If it wasn't for Sky holding her in her arms, she would bang her head on the headboard of Jillyanna's bed. She had been awake since last night and her eyes were already bloodshot from lack of sleep and stress.

A small child like her, instead of enjoying her Christmas, she was basking in so much pain. "Sshh. Sshh. It's not your fault sweetheart." Sky mumbled while gently rubbing her back. "Your mom will be fine. Get some sleep and we will visit your mother in the afternoon. Don't blame yourself."