"Ha? What do you mean with my daughter is not coming back?" the woman asked with stiff expression. She didn't expect such words to come out from Jillyanna and it was a little scary to think of.

"Here." Jillyanna handed a letter to the woman. "This is what she wanted me to give you." 

The lady, with her trembling hands, took the small envelope from Jillyanna and opened it. In actual fact, the letter was not written by Lyla. It was written by Jackie after learning Lyla's penmanship. Jackie was gifted in copying someone's penmanship but she rarely used it because Jillyanna didn't want her to, unless it was really necessary.

The letter wasn't long like how Lyla wrote a letter to her. It was just a two-paragraphed letter plus, a check inside worth several thousands of dollars, enough to let them live until their bored of their life. The main content of the letter was for her parents to stop looking for her again and that she will never go back to them.