Jillyanna slapped her forehead mentally. She remembered that he wanted to be present during the visit of Tiffany and Ethan, and now, he's practically scaring the child.

"Darling, what are you doing scaring your guests?" she mumbled while gesturing Tiffany and her son to sit on the couch.

Travis still looked domineering as she strode to the living room. "You can't marry my daughter, young man. You are too young to get married."

"Then, when I'm old enough, can I marry her?"

Travis' mouth twitched when he got to hear his retort. "Let's not talk about it."

Tiffany slightly bowed her head to apologize to them. "I'm really sorry for his rudeness. This is the first time that this has happened to him."

"Of course, this is the first time. It's my first time so see such warm house." Ethan added to which made a surprise look in Jillyanna's face.