The robot seemed to tremble when Shein greeted it and after a few seconds the light in its eyes dimmed and it completely stopped moving. "Hahahaha." Shein laughed happily upon seeing its pitiful reaction. Astro was just a robot but it can perceive little things like a real person.

Jillyanna didn't know that Shein was familiar with the robot, she just told Top to bring it to him since he was the most techy person among them. It was purely a coincidence that they were familiar with each other. As far as she remembered, Shein loved to assemble and disassemble things. He was a very curious child when he was young and he wanted to know how a thing function.

Shein picked up the robot and when he was inside his computer room, his computers were all showing the same handsome face of a man. "Little brat! Don't disassemble my love! It took me a whole year to repair her because of you."