"You don't have proper plan for this honeymoon, right?" Jillyanna asked him while hugging his waist and leaning her head on his chest. 

"Aren't we suppose to be lovemaking in a honeymoon?"

"Who says that?"

"Isn't honeymoon created for a husband and wife to make a baby?"

"But we already have children." Jillyanna responded with a frown.

"Then, we'll just have a lovemaking with no intention of creating a baby."

Jillyanna raised her head and looked at him. "Hubby, do you only have that in mind?"

"Hn. I only want to spend my time loving you, cuddling you to sleep when you're tired, eat with you to have energy and make love to you again. That's the cycle I have in mind."

"I don't think I would be happy with that. I would be completely exhausted if we do that."

"That's fine. We can also take a rest."

"No way. Let's not do what you have in mind."

"What's your suggestion?"

"I can let you do me at night. No daytime."