Speaking of baby, Jillyanna was bored to death and she wanted to do something fun. She didn't tell anyone what she had in mind and she was hoping her plan would succeed.

Seeing everyone was happily chatting, giving gifts to the engaged couple, and taking pictures; Jillyanna pressed her temple and acted dizzy.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Jade asked in worry when she saw her mother was frowning and looked a little pale. She didn't know that her mother had a concealer in her small pouch.

Travis was slightly alert as well. "Hon, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. Maybe from the drinks."

Travis raised his eyebrow when he looked at her wine glass. She did take a sip but there's no way that would make her drunk. Nonetheless, he was still worried for her. "Do you want to take a rest? You've been out here since morning. I'm sure they'll understand."

"Alright. I'll go ask them." Jillyanna rose to her feet but she sat back again.