Jillyanna was sitting on the cafeteria with Cielo and Lucian, two months from now, they will be graduating but Jillyanna will still have one more year left. "I have enough money to start with our business. Let's just do it after you graduate." Jillyanna stated.

"Weren't you planning to leave for Europe again? You will need that money." Cielo responded to her while forking the carbonara on her plate.

"I have enough money to go to Europe."

"Are you sure about this?" Cielo questioned her again.

"Yup. You and Lucian will be getting married soon. You will have your own family and you need to be financially prepared for that. This business will be our opportunity."

Lucian reached his hand and rubbed Jillyanna's head. "Thank you for thinking about our future. It is not really your problem to deal with. Just focus on your studies."