
What a rainy night. I was about to sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly went downstairs to check who it is. As I opened my door, I saw him there, standing in front of me, soaking wet from the downpour.

I let him in without any question. Quickly grabbed a towel and gave it to him to dry himself in my living room. He asked if he could stay the night. I don't know what's with me but I let him. I lend him my clothes and some of my pillows. I bid him "Goodnight" and quickly went up in my room. My heart is beating fast. I tried to calm myself by trying to sleep when I heard a knock on my room's door.

I reluctantly opened it. My door was just slightly ajar when he pushed it open forcefully. His stance is so dominating. I tried to ask him what he was doing when he pushed me to my bed. He took off his t-shirt and kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed him back and he slowly took my clothes off. The next thing I knew, we were fucking.

The next morning, the sun is already shining brightly and he's not there beside me. I went into the shower. Looking myself in the mirror, I'm questioning myself, "Did that happen or just a figment of my imagination?" I went out and saw his note on my table saying, "I had a great time." So what happened was real.

It was already lunchtime when he approached me. Out of nowhere, I asked, "Should we do it again next time?"

"Do what?"

Shocked at what he just said, I angrily blurted out, "Don't you remember anything from last night?"

"I don't know what you're talking abou-"

My hand maybe had a mind of its own. I slapped him so hard, that it left a mark on his cheek. Out of this, he just smirked at me.

"I get it. You probably confused me with my twin brother Dim. I'm Rim by the way."

All sorts of questions were running on my head. Suddenly, Dim arrives, and the shocked look on his face when he saw Rim tells me something. He didn't know he had a twin.