Carry you

Dylan's POV...

Her face went puzzled, she gazed at me blankly, shocked. "Yah. Why did you do that?" She shouted. I just realized she hasn't shouted at me today.

I controlled my laughter and stood up from the couch. "I'm grateful."

She quickly looked away from me. I know she was hiding her blushed cheeks. "The girl you love is really unlucky!" She mumbled, wasn't expecting me to hear it.

Did she speak of Crown flower? Do I love her? I don't know if it's love or not. But if I got a chance to meet her again, I'll not miss it.

I narrowed my gaze at her. "Madam, move from my couch. Go to your bed and sleep."

"Already?" She purses her lips.

I shoved my hands inside my pockets and smiled mischievously. "Do you expect us to do something? If you do... then I have no...." I stopped as she threw a cushion at me. I quickly caught it and sneered.

"Have a nightmare, Die land." She mumbled and went to bed.